Village Of Stewart Manor

Justice Court

Stewart Manor Justice Court
120 Covert Avenue
Stewart Manor, NY 11530
The Justice Court is presided over by the Village Justice who is elected for a period of four years. In the Justice Court all violations of local ordinances and certain provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law are tried. The Clerk to the Village Justice prepares monthly reports and sends fines collected to the Village Treasurer. The Clerk to the Village Justice is appointed for a one year term and is responsible for the collection of all fines and maintains court records. The State Comptroller audits the monthly report and bills the Village for monies due to the State. The remaining fine money remains with the Village. There is also an Acting Justice who serves during the absence or inability of the Village Justice.   
Holly B. Lyons
Phone: 516-354-1800
When is the Village Court in session?
The Stewart Manor Village Court is in session usually on the first Wednesday of the month. Please note that you must have an assigned court date to come to court.  Please call and ask for the Court Clerk at 516-354-1800 during normal business hours (Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) to schedule/reschedule a court date.
How long can I park on the streets in the Village?
If there are no signs indicating otherwise, there is a four hour parking limit on all streets in the Village.  However, you should examine the signs closely as some streets may not allow parking at all, may not allow parking during certain hours, or may restrict parking to two hours.  There is no overnight parking (2 a.m. to 6 a.m.) on the streets of the Village without an overnight parking permit (the excpetion is at the metered spots).  The time limit for parking meter use is .25 cents for 1/2 hour and meters are in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Most meters will accept only two hours worth of parking at a time (four quarters), although there are some twelve hour meters in the municipal lot and on Stewart Court. Parking meters will only take quarters.  
Who do I contact if my property was stolen/vandalized?
For stolen/vandalized property please call 911.  After filing a police report, if you choose, please feel free to notify the Village Hall.